Simulating results

We now use a Poisson regression to fit a model to the Premier League and then we use the estimated values to simulate results between two teams.

This code is adapted from

# importing the tools required for the Poisson regression model
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn
from scipy.stats import poisson,skellam

Import data

Here we use

epl = pd.read_csv("")
ep = epl[['HomeTeam','AwayTeam','FTHG','FTAG']]
epl = epl.rename(columns={'FTHG': 'HomeGoals', 'FTAG': 'AwayGoals'})

epl = epl[:-10]

Perform the regression

In the fit, we include a parameter for home advantage. Team and opponent are fixed effects.

goal_model_data = pd.concat([epl[['HomeTeam','AwayTeam','HomeGoals']].assign(home=1).rename(
            columns={'HomeTeam':'team', 'AwayTeam':'opponent','HomeGoals':'goals'}),
            columns={'AwayTeam':'team', 'HomeTeam':'opponent','AwayGoals':'goals'})])

poisson_model = smf.glm(formula="goals ~ home + team + opponent", data=goal_model_data,
Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: goals No. Observations: 740
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 700
Model Family: Poisson Df Model: 39
Link Function: Log Scale: 1.0000
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -1043.1
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 Deviance: 776.72
Time: 18:49:44 Pearson chi2: 681.
No. Iterations: 5 Pseudo R-squ. (CS): 0.2498
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 0.2470 0.203 1.214 0.225 -0.152 0.646
team[T.Aston Villa] -0.1298 0.195 -0.666 0.506 -0.512 0.252
team[T.Brentford] -0.1589 0.198 -0.802 0.423 -0.547 0.230
team[T.Brighton] -0.3735 0.209 -1.788 0.074 -0.783 0.036
team[T.Burnley] -0.5263 0.220 -2.395 0.017 -0.957 -0.096
team[T.Chelsea] 0.2714 0.177 1.529 0.126 -0.077 0.619
team[T.Crystal Palace] -0.1370 0.196 -0.699 0.484 -0.521 0.247
team[T.Everton] -0.2847 0.204 -1.394 0.163 -0.685 0.116
team[T.Leeds] -0.3127 0.207 -1.507 0.132 -0.719 0.094
team[T.Leicester] 0.0481 0.188 0.256 0.798 -0.320 0.416
team[T.Liverpool] 0.4522 0.170 2.657 0.008 0.119 0.786
team[T.Man City] 0.5115 0.168 3.036 0.002 0.181 0.842
team[T.Man United] 0.0156 0.189 0.083 0.934 -0.354 0.385
team[T.Newcastle] -0.2841 0.204 -1.389 0.165 -0.685 0.117
team[T.Norwich] -0.8697 0.248 -3.507 0.000 -1.356 -0.384
team[T.Southampton] -0.2770 0.205 -1.354 0.176 -0.678 0.124
team[T.Tottenham] 0.1294 0.183 0.706 0.480 -0.230 0.489
team[T.Watford] -0.5181 0.220 -2.357 0.018 -0.949 -0.087
team[T.West Ham] 0.0398 0.187 0.213 0.831 -0.327 0.406
team[T.Wolves] -0.4429 0.212 -2.088 0.037 -0.859 -0.027
opponent[T.Aston Villa] 0.1071 0.203 0.529 0.597 -0.290 0.504
opponent[T.Brentford] 0.1297 0.200 0.649 0.516 -0.262 0.521
opponent[T.Brighton] -0.0994 0.211 -0.470 0.638 -0.514 0.315
opponent[T.Burnley] 0.0579 0.202 0.286 0.775 -0.339 0.455
opponent[T.Chelsea] -0.3702 0.230 -1.613 0.107 -0.820 0.080
opponent[T.Crystal Palace] -0.0219 0.208 -0.105 0.916 -0.429 0.385
opponent[T.Everton] 0.2573 0.194 1.325 0.185 -0.123 0.638
opponent[T.Leeds] 0.4973 0.185 2.688 0.007 0.135 0.860
opponent[T.Leicester] 0.2134 0.197 1.085 0.278 -0.172 0.599
opponent[T.Liverpool] -0.6001 0.248 -2.421 0.015 -1.086 -0.114
opponent[T.Man City] -0.6284 0.251 -2.501 0.012 -1.121 -0.136
opponent[T.Man United] 0.1833 0.198 0.925 0.355 -0.205 0.572
opponent[T.Newcastle] 0.2445 0.194 1.258 0.209 -0.137 0.626
opponent[T.Norwich] 0.4959 0.185 2.687 0.007 0.134 0.858
opponent[T.Southampton] 0.2915 0.193 1.509 0.131 -0.087 0.670
opponent[T.Tottenham] -0.1604 0.215 -0.744 0.457 -0.583 0.262
opponent[T.Watford] 0.4646 0.186 2.492 0.013 0.099 0.830
opponent[T.West Ham] 0.0248 0.206 0.120 0.904 -0.378 0.428
opponent[T.Wolves] -0.1530 0.215 -0.710 0.477 -0.575 0.269
home 0.1502 0.062 2.405 0.016 0.028 0.273

Simulating a game

Let’s now simulate a match between City and Arsenal

# Set teams here
home_team='Man City'

#Predict for Arsenal vs. Manchester City
home_score_rate=poisson_model.predict(pd.DataFrame(data={'team': home_team, 'opponent': away_team,
away_score_rate=poisson_model.predict(pd.DataFrame(data={'team': away_team, 'opponent': home_team,
print(home_team + ' against ' + away_team + ' expect to score: ' + str(home_score_rate))
print(away_team + ' against ' + home_team + ' expect to score: ' + str(away_score_rate))

#Lets just get a result
print(home_team + ': ' + str(home_goals[0]))
print(away_team + ': '  + str(away_goals[0]))
Man City against Arsenal expect to score: 1    2.481142
dtype: float64
Arsenal against Man City expect to score: 1    0.682894
dtype: float64
Man City: 3
Arsenal: 0

Two-dimensional histogram of scores

This gives the probability of different score lines.

# Code to caluclate the goals for the match.
def simulate_match(foot_model, homeTeam, awayTeam, max_goals=10):
    home_goals_avg = foot_model.predict(pd.DataFrame(data={'team': homeTeam,
                                                           'opponent': awayTeam, 'home': 1},
    away_goals_avg = foot_model.predict(pd.DataFrame(data={'team': awayTeam,
                                                           'opponent': homeTeam, 'home': 0},
    team_pred = [[poisson.pmf(i, team_avg) for i in range(0, max_goals + 1)] for team_avg in
                 [home_goals_avg, away_goals_avg]]
    return (np.outer(np.array(team_pred[0]), np.array(team_pred[1])))

#Fill in the matrix
score_matrix=simulate_match(poisson_model, home_team, away_team,max_goals)

pos=ax.imshow(score_matrix, extent=[-0.5,max_goals+0.5,-0.5,max_goals+0.5], aspect='auto',
fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Probability of outcome')
ax.set_xlabel('Goals scored by ' + away_team)
ax.set_ylabel('Goals scored by ' + home_team)

#Home, draw, away probabilities
homewin=np.sum(np.tril(score_matrix, -1))
awaywin=np.sum(np.triu(score_matrix, 1))
Probability of outcome

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.225 seconds)

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