Possesion Chains

Create Possesion Chains

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
# plotting
import os
import pathlib
import warnings
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from mplsoccer import Pitch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

Opening the dataset

First we open the data. It is exactly the same way as we did earlier. However, this time we reset the index to have the indicies sorted.

df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(13):
    file_name = 'events_England_' + str(i+1) + '.json'
    path = os.path.join(str(pathlib.Path().resolve().parents[0]), 'data', 'Wyscout', file_name)
    with open(path) as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(data)],  ignore_index = True)
df = df.reset_index()

Preparing data

First we see create a new column with the next event. We create a column with 1 if the ball was kicked out - to mark when the chain should be stopped. We filter out Interruptions since there was an ball out of the pitch or foul before them. Then, we filter lost duels, since Wyscout duels are saved twice - for both team either defensive or offensive. We filter out events “Out of ball” since we can get this information from other column. Then, we filter out events by goalkeepers, since shots were made before.

next_event = df.shift(-1, fill_value=0)
df["nextEvent"] = next_event["subEventName"]
df["kickedOut"] = df.apply(lambda x: 1 if x.nextEvent == "Ball out of the field" else 0, axis = 1)
#interruptions out
interruption = df.loc[df["eventName"] == "Interruption"]
#probably need to drop "others on the ball event" - nope
# filter out non-accurate duels - in wyscout they are 2 way - attacking and defending
lost_duels = df.loc[df["eventName"] == "Duel"]
lost_duels = lost_duels.loc[lost_duels.apply (lambda x:{'id':1802} in x.tags, axis = 1)]
df = df.drop(lost_duels.index)
# filter ball out of the field - I can get this anyways
out_of_ball = df.loc[df["subEventName"] == "Ball out of the field"]
df = df.drop(out_of_ball.index)
# save attempts can be dropped
goalies = df.loc[df["subEventName"].isin(["Goalkeeper leaving line", "Save attempt", "Reflexes"])]
df = df.drop(goalies.index)

Isolating possesion chain

Then, we isolate possesion chain with the rule that if the ball was touched once by a different team, it should not change the results. If there was a foul, ball kicked out of the field the chain is stopped. For others in the ball, if the ball was properly intercepted that is, the next team is the one that made the next event, we stop the chain. Otherwise, if the ball was only touched, but did not change possesion, we treat a pass as an accurate one. Note that this is an approximate of true possesion chain. In the industry you will work on datasets with possesion chains already isolated.

def isolateChains(df):
    df : dataframe
        dataframe with Wyscout event data.

    df: dataframe
        dataframe with isolated possesion chains

    df["nextTeamId"] = df.shift(-1, fill_value=0)["teamId"]
    #potential +0s
    chain_team = df.iloc[0]["teamId"]
    period = df.iloc[0]["matchPeriod"]
    stop_criterion = 0
    chain = 0
    df["possesion_chain"] = 0
    df["possesion_chain_team"] = 0

    for i, row in df.iterrows():
        #add value
        df.at[i, "possesion_chain"] = chain
        df.at[i, "possesion_chain_team"] = chain_team
        # if pass not accurate/lost duel, add 1 to stop criterion
        if row["eventName"] == "Pass" or row["eventName"] == "Duel":
            if row["teamId"] == chain_team and {"id": 1802} in row["tags"]:
                    stop_criterion += 1
            if row["teamId"] != chain_team and {"id": 1801} in row["tags"]:
                    stop_criterion += 1
        #if ball intercepted properly add 2
        if row["eventName"] == "Others on the ball":
               if row["teamId"] == row["nextTeamId"]:
                   stop_criterion += 2
        #if shot, add 2 to stop criteriom
        if row["eventName"] in ["Shot", "Foul", "Offside"]:
                stop_criterion += 2
        #if ball out of field, add 2
        if row["kickedOut"] == 1:
                stop_criterion += 2
        #criterion for stopping when half ended
        if row["matchPeriod"] != period:
                chain += 1
                stop_criterion = 0
                chain_team = row['teamId']
                period = row["matchPeriod"]
                df.at[i, "possesion_chain"] = chain
                df.at[i, "possesion_chain_team"] = chain_team
        #possesion chain ended
        if stop_criterion >= 2:
            chain += 1
            stop_criterion = 0
            chain_team = row['nextTeamId']
    return df

df = isolateChains(df)
#investigate a chain
df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == 4][["eventName", "possesion_chain"]]
eventName possesion_chain
36 Free Kick 4
37 Pass 4
38 Duel 4
40 Duel 4
42 Pass 4
43 Pass 4
44 Pass 4
45 Pass 4
46 Shot 4

Calculating xG value

To calculate xG value of shots, we use the function from Lesson 2. However, this time we treat penalties as shots from the penalty spot. Then, we assign xG value to shots in df with all events.

def calulatexG(df):
    df : dataframe
        dataframe with Wyscout event data.

    xG_sum: dataframe
        dataframe with xG for each shot

    #very basic xG model based on
    shots = df.loc[df["eventName"] == "Shot"].copy()
    shots["X"] = shots.positions.apply(lambda cell: (100 - cell[0]['x']) * 105/100)
    shots["Y"] = shots.positions.apply(lambda cell: cell[0]['y'] * 68/100)
    shots["C"] = shots.positions.apply(lambda cell: abs(cell[0]['y'] - 50) * 68/100)
    #calculate distance and angle
    shots["Distance"] = np.sqrt(shots["X"]**2 + shots["C"]**2)
    shots["Angle"] = np.where(np.arctan(7.32 * shots["X"] / (shots["X"]**2 + shots["C"]**2 - (7.32/2)**2)) > 0, np.arctan(7.32 * shots["X"] /(shots["X"]**2 + shots["C"]**2 - (7.32/2)**2)), np.arctan(7.32 * shots["X"] /(shots["X"]**2 + shots["C"]**2 - (7.32/2)**2)) + np.pi)
    #if you ever encounter problems (like you have seen that model treats 0 as 1 and 1 as 0) while modelling - change the dependant variable to object
    shots["Goal"] = shots.tags.apply(lambda x: 1 if {'id':101} in x else 0).astype(object)
        #headers have id = 403
    headers = shots.loc[shots.apply (lambda x:{'id':403} in x.tags, axis = 1)]
    non_headers = shots.drop(headers.index)

    headers_model = smf.glm(formula="Goal ~ Distance + Angle" , data=headers,
    nonheaders_model = smf.glm(formula="Goal ~ Distance + Angle" , data=non_headers,
    #assigning xG
    df["xG"] = 0
    b_head = headers_model.params
    xG = 1/(1+np.exp(b_head[0]+b_head[1]*headers['Distance'] + b_head[2]*headers['Angle']))
    headers = headers.assign(xG = xG)
    for index, row in headers.iterrows():
        df.at[index, "xG"] = row["xG"]
    b_nhead = nonheaders_model.params
    xG = 1/(1+np.exp(b_nhead[0]+b_nhead[1]*non_headers['Distance'] + b_nhead[2]*non_headers['Angle']))
    non_headers = non_headers.assign(xG = xG)
    for index, row in non_headers.iterrows():
        df.at[index, "xG"] = row["xG"]

    penalties = df.loc[df["subEventName"] == "Penalty"]
    #treating penalties like shots
    penalties["X"] = 11
    #calculate distance and angle
    penalties["Distance"] = 11
    penalties["Angle"] = np.arctan(7.32 * 11 /(11**2 - (7.32/2)**2))
    #if you ever encounter problems (like you have seen that model treats 0 as 1 and 1 as 0) while modelling - change the dependant variable to object
    penalties["Goal"] = penalties.tags.apply(lambda x: 1 if {'id':101} in x else 0).astype(object)
    penalties = penalties.assign(xG = xG)
    for index, row in penalties.iterrows():
        df.at[index, "xG"] = row["xG"]
    return df

df = calulatexG(df)
#investigate a chain
df.loc[df["possesion_chain"].isin([3,4])][["eventName", "possesion_chain", "xG"]]
eventName possesion_chain xG
25 Pass 3 0.000000
26 Pass 3 0.000000
27 Duel 3 0.000000
30 Duel 3 0.000000
31 Duel 3 0.000000
34 Duel 3 0.000000
35 Foul 3 0.000000
36 Free Kick 4 0.000000
37 Pass 4 0.000000
38 Duel 4 0.000000
40 Duel 4 0.000000
42 Pass 4 0.000000
43 Pass 4 0.000000
44 Pass 4 0.000000
45 Pass 4 0.000000
46 Shot 4 0.137573

Finding chains that ended with shot

As the next step we find possesion chains that ended with shot. We assgin 1 to them. We also assign xG of the shot to all events in the chain. If a chain was stopped by a foul, also chain before is considered as one that ended with shot. We also keep only events made by possesion team in the chain.

def prepareChains(df):
    df : dataframe
        dataframe with Wyscout event data.

    xG_sum: dataframe
        dataframe with assigned values for chains

    df["shot_end"] = 0
    #get number of chains
    no_chains = max(df["possesion_chain"].unique())
    indicies = []
    for i in range(no_chains+1):
        #all events get possesion chain
        possesion_chain_df = df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == i]
        #check if the possesion chain is not empty
        if len(possesion_chain_df) > 0:
            #if ended with shot
            if possesion_chain_df.iloc[-1]["eventName"] == "Shot":
                #assign values
                df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == i, "shot_end"] = 1
                xG = possesion_chain_df.iloc[-1]["xG"]
                df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == i, "xG"] = xG
                #check if the previous ones did not end with foul
                k = i-1
                if k > 0:
                        prev = df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == k]
                        #create a loop if e.g. 2 chains before and 1 chain before didn;t end with shot
                        while prev.iloc[-1]["eventName"] == "Foul":
                            #assign value for them
                            df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == k, "xG"] = xG
                            df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == k, "shot_end"] = 1
                            k = k-1
                            prev = df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == k]
                        k = k-1
            #get indiices of events made by possesion team
            team_indicies = possesion_chain_df.loc[possesion_chain_df["teamId"] == possesion_chain_df.teamId.mode().iloc[0]].index.values.tolist()

    df = df.loc[indicies]
    return df

df = prepareChains(df)
df.loc[df["possesion_chain"].isin([3,4])][["eventName", "possesion_chain", "xG"]]
eventName possesion_chain xG
25 Pass 3 0.137573
26 Pass 3 0.137573
30 Duel 3 0.137573
31 Duel 3 0.137573
34 Duel 3 0.137573
36 Free Kick 4 0.137573
37 Pass 4 0.137573
38 Duel 4 0.137573
40 Duel 4 0.137573
42 Pass 4 0.137573
43 Pass 4 0.137573
44 Pass 4 0.137573
45 Pass 4 0.137573
46 Shot 4 0.137573

Preparing data for modelling

As the next step we prepare data for modelling. We filter out dodgy events without end coordinates and store coordinates in different columns. We also create variable c as the distance of line parallel to x-axis throught the middle of the pitch. Moreover, we set end of a shot as (105, 34) contrary to Wyscout, which tends to store their ends as one of the corners.

#filter out dodgy
df = df.loc[df.apply(lambda x: len(x.positions) == 2, axis = 1)]
#columns with coordinates
df["x0"] = df.positions.apply(lambda cell: (cell[0]['x']) * 105/100)
df["c0"] = df.positions.apply(lambda cell: abs(50 - cell[0]['y']) * 68/100)
df["x1"] = df.positions.apply(lambda cell: (cell[1]['x']) * 105/100)
df["c1"] = df.positions.apply(lambda cell: abs(50 - cell[1]['y']) * 68/100)
#assign (105, 0) to end of the shot
df.loc[df["eventName"] == "Shot", "x1"] = 105
df.loc[df["eventName"] == "Shot", "c1"] = 0

#for plotting
df["y0"] = df.positions.apply(lambda cell: (100 - cell[0]['y']) * 68/100)
df["y1"] = df.positions.apply(lambda cell: (100 - cell[1]['y']) * 68/100)
df.loc[df["eventName"] == "Shot", "y1"] = 34

Possesion chain that ended with a shot

Now we can plot possesion chains. Here is a one that ended with a shot. Note that actions that were not passes and not shots are marked wth a grey dotted line. In this case, these are duels and a free kick.

#plot possesion chain that ended with shot
chain = df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == 4]
#get passes
passes = chain.loc[chain["eventName"].isin(["Pass"])]
#get events different than pass
not_pass = chain.loc[chain["eventName"] != "Pass"].iloc[:-1]
#shot is the last event of the chain (or should be)
shot = chain.iloc[-1]
pitch = Pitch(line_color='black',pitch_type='custom', pitch_length=105, pitch_width=68, line_zorder = 2)
fig, ax = pitch.grid(grid_height=0.9, title_height=0.06, axis=False,
                     endnote_height=0.04, title_space=0, endnote_space=0)
pitch.arrows(passes.x0, passes.y0,
            passes.x1, passes.y1, color = "blue", ax=ax['pitch'], zorder =  3)
pitch.arrows(shot.x0, shot.y0,
            shot.x1, shot.y1, color = "red", ax=ax['pitch'], zorder =  3)
#other passes like arrows
pitch.lines(not_pass.x0, not_pass.y0, not_pass.x1, not_pass.y1, color = "grey", lw = 1.5, ls = 'dotted', ax=ax['pitch'])
ax['title'].text(0.5, 0.5, 'Passes leading to a shot', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=30)
plot PossesionChain

Possesion chain that did not end with a shot

And here is a one that did not end with a shot.

#plot possesion chain that ended with shot
chain = df.loc[df["possesion_chain"] == 0]
passes = chain.loc[chain["eventName"].isin(["Pass", "Free Kick"])].iloc[:-1]
not_pass = chain.loc[(chain["eventName"] != "Pass") & (chain["eventName"] != "Free Kick")].iloc[:-1]
bad_pass = chain.iloc[-1]
#we could have used better
pitch = Pitch(line_color='black',pitch_type='custom', pitch_length=105, pitch_width=68, line_zorder = 2)
fig, ax = pitch.grid(grid_height=0.9, title_height=0.06, axis=False,
                     endnote_height=0.04, title_space=0, endnote_space=0)
pitch.arrows(passes.x0, passes.y0,
            passes.x1, passes.y1, color = "blue", ax=ax['pitch'], zorder =  3)
pitch.arrows(bad_pass.x0, bad_pass.y0,
            bad_pass.x1, bad_pass.y1, color = "purple", ax=ax['pitch'], zorder =  3)
pitch.scatter(bad_pass.x1, bad_pass.y1, marker = 'x', color = "red", ax=ax['pitch'], zorder =  3, s= 200)
pitch.lines(not_pass.x0, not_pass.y0, not_pass.x1, not_pass.y1, color = "grey", lw = 1.5, ls = 'dotted', ax=ax['pitch'])
ax['title'].text(0.5, 0.5, 'Passes not ending in a shot', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=30)
plot PossesionChain

Total running time of the script: ( 3 minutes 27.905 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery